I awoke with a start, only to look over and see Jake grinning at me. Harumph. This was gonna be his BIG DAY, and I wanted it to go perfectly, even at the risk of him getting a big head. LOL.

Fortunately, Jake is as humble as it gets so no worries there.
"Hey," and he smiled and said
"Hey back, honey."

I just know I swooned.

"Any special plans for today, mister?" I grinned
"None to speak of. Nope. Can't think of a thing,"
and then of course there ensued a round of playful shoulder punches and giggling after which we bounded out of bed and into the bath for our morning ritual. Felt good, it did. It ALL felt really good. Love does that I guess.

Clean and dressed, we started out of the bedroom just as Beau came out of his bedroom and together we made it downstairs to the kitchen in short order.

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