Monday, September 7, 2015


Life has a funny way of sneaking up on us at times...and it did on me one day as I was taking a leisurely stroll through the park by my office at lunchtime. End of the first week in August signaling that fall would soon be upon us. But it was still warm and sunny and oh so tranquil. happened and my life took a turn I would have never expected it would. Not that I have a really good handle normally on the future course of events mind you, although I like to think I do.

But like I said, suddenly LIFE happened and...well,  here is where the beginning of the end of whatever my life had been happened and...okay. Herein lies the tale.

His name was Jake, and this was a couple years ago now...but my whole life turned upside down that day, although it would be a bit before I would know that and by how much. Just for the record it still is turning upside down too. But more about that later.

Part of the fun of being alive, I guess.
But I won't spoil the fun.

Read on and see what happened and please enjoy the tale of two nitwits as they begin a series of adventures which would almost defy description as time went on, although as a writer it is my JOB to describe. LOL.

                            CLICK HERE FOR CHAPTER I                  

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